Braces & Invisible Teeth Aligners in Indore

Best Invisible Teeth Aligners in Indore

Some people have perfectly aligned teeth, but the majority of us have crooked teeth that don’t fit together properly. Crooked teeth can adversly affect your looks and how you bite using your teeth. The good news is that with the right treatment, you can easily straighten your teeth, correct your bite and revamp the way you look!

Braces & Invisible Teeth Aligners at Smile Dental clinic Indore

Straightening your  teeth may appear to be purely cosmetic, yet this could not be furthar from the truth. Crooked teeth are more difficult to clean, making tooth decay and periodontal disease more likely. Teeth that don’t fit properly might make it difficult to chew, resulting in headaches, shoulder or back pain, and even TMJ issues.

Crooked teeth are treated by dental specialists known as Orthodontists in Indore. They specialise in the treatment of crooked teeth and discrepency in facial bones. For orthodontic therapy, an orthodontist is the best person to consult.

SMILE DENTAL CLINIC team consist of higly skilled and experienced Orthodontists who have years of experience in treating orthodontic problems. We offer precise orthodontic planning using sophisticated diagnostic machines which is followed with state of the art treament that is administered to our patients by our Orthodontists.

We have Trios4 3D scanner which is capable of tracking orthodontic movement. Only available in central India at our clinic

Available 24/7

Address :

322, Greater Brajeshwari, Pipliyahana, Indore (M.P.)