Kids Dentistry in Indore

Best Pediatric Dentist in Indore

At Smile Dental Clinic, we think that every child deserves a wonderful dental experience! We make certain that each and every patient receives individualised attention and exceptional care…all while having a good time! We take pride in providing thorough care while also guaranteeing your child’s comfort. Our goal is for children to always smile when they leave our clinic! We work hard to make your child feel at ease and excited about coming to see us!

We strive to provide a warm, compassionate and child-friendly environment. Our facility provides specialist dentistry for children and adolescents. Our Pediatric Dentist in Indore (Pedodontists) are well equipped for any childs routine and unique dental needs. We place a strong emphasis on preventive treatment to ensure that each child develops a healthy smile that will last a lifetime. Infants, children, teens, and youngsters with unique health care requirements are all served by our office.

Some of the Kids Dentistry Services in Indore

we offer are:
  • Complete Dental Examination: Children and adults should see a dentist at least twice a year for regular checkups and cleanings (every six months). Dentist appointments should begin within six months after a baby’s first tooth eruption, which usually occurs between the ages of six and one year. A child’s mouth is inspected for evidence of early childhood caries (ECC), gingivitis, paediatric periodontal disease, tooth erosion, and other oral disorders during a paediatric dental exam. Depending on the severity of the decay, dental fillings, stainless steel crowns, or extractions may be indicated. Depending on the child’s age and medical history, X-rays are also routinely performed.
  • Treatment with Fluoride: Fluoride helps to prevent cavities and maintain the strength of primary tooth enamel. Fluoride prevents the creation and buildup of dental plaque, which can lead to tooth disease over time. After a thorough teeth cleaning, we may administer topical fluoride to your child’s teeth.
  • Baby Tooth Cavity Fillings: Early childhood caries (ECC) are light brown in colour and frequently occur on primary molar biting surfaces. They can also occur on the teeth in front of the mouth, such as the incisors and canines. Bacteria from untreated tooth decay might spread to other teeth, causing more significant oral health problems. These teeth need to be treated as soon as possible with the right restorative materials so that a bigger oral health problem may be avoided.
  • Extractions of baby teeth: If a baby tooth is significantly decaying or destroyed as a result of an injury, it may need to be removed. Another common reason for extractions is over-retention, which occurs when primary teeth relax and then tighten back into the gums, inhibiting the eruption of permanent teeth.
  • Space maintainers: When a youngster loses a primary tooth early due to decay, disease, or trauma, space maintainers are frequently used to keep the gums open. As permanent teeth emerge, space maintainers avoid overcrowding and misalignment.
  • Sealants :Sealants protect the chewing (occlusal) surfaces of back molars and the pits and fissures of teeth by forming “physical barriers.” They are a simple, painless, and effective approach to guard a child’s teeth from cavities for up to ten years. Adults can also have sealants applied to their permanent teeth, but this is a less usual procedure.
  • Stainless Steel Crowns: SSCs are metal caps that are used to treat decaying, broken, or fractured infant molars. Because SSCs are durable and strong, they are usually the next best option for restoring a child’s tooth if cavity fillings are likely to fail. They can also be used to restore and protect a child’s permanent teeth until a durable crown is made in some situations.
  • Mouthguards: Mouthguards are often made for youngsters, particularly those who participate in sports. They are safety devices that protect the teeth, face, lips, jaw, gums, and surrounding soft tissues from injury.
  • Root Canal of Baby Teeth: It involves removal of infected dental pulp tissue followed by thorough cleaning, disinfection of the root canals which are filled with resorbable material,so that the baby tooth can fall off as per the schedule and also maintains adequate space for the eruption of permanent teeth.

Available 24/7

Address :

322, Greater Brajeshwari, Pipliyahana, Indore (M.P.)